Contact the Career Counsellor
Sophie Auton
T 071-5193567, room 041e (library)
Career and further study options
What do you want to do after you graduate from school? How do you decide which study programme to choose? Which subject package prepares you best for this? Is there a programme for what you want to do with your life, and how do you know this is the right one?
Our career counsellor Mrs Auton is there for all your questions.
Careers counseling is based on teamwork. Students, parents, subject teachers, careers counsellor and the tutor work together to ensure that students have the information and advice to make informed choices about their future. The careers counsellor works with students, parents, tutors and subject teachers from MYP3 onwards.
The careers choice process that leads to the right choices can be divided into four stages:
1. Orientation. You have no idea at all and expect answers to questions like: What are my interests? What am I good at?
2. Exploration and elimination. Identifying what your interests are and which courses in your field of interest meet these preferences. Do you meet the entry requirements?
3. Going into depth. Check if your ideas about the identified courses are realistic (consider finances, housing, any subject deficiencies) and if this is the right choice for you.
4. Take the final decision. Prepare and send in your application. Do you still have doubts?